Molly ’til Monday



Aislin taking dog to vet

Saturday morning started out quite exciting for us. Many of you may already know this, but for those that don’t, Kim is always available as an animal rescuer.  We may not have jumper cables, the car registration, or any safety equipment in the van, but we are ready at any time to rescue an animal–the van is always stocked with baggies of dog food and leashes in case she sees some poor stray on the side of the road.  So here we are, surrounded by piles of stuff to put away, with a todo list that needs an excel spread sheet to figure it out, and she returns from her morning coffee run and exclaims, “There’s a little dachshund loose, I’m going to try and catch it”.    She and Aislin grab a baggie of food and a slip leash and take off.  Still sleepy eyed and sipping coffee, Ben and I were hanging out in the cockpit when he says, “Isn’t that the little dog Mommy was going after?”.  And sure enough, there was a little dachshund trotting the opposite direction that Kim had taken off in the van.  Ben and I hightailed after it.  He stood between it and the street so it wouldn’t get scared and run out into the road, while I tried to slowly creep up on it.  Eventually Kim, Aislin, other people in the marina joined us and we gradually surrounded the little dog until she was trapped on a dock and Kim was able to loop the leash around her neck.  Poor thing was very old and obviously scared to death.  IMG_3841Kim took her down to the dock office, but nobody recognized her.  Kim then took her to the vet to see if she was microchipped–she wasn’t– and while she was there in true Kim fashion also paid for physical, toenail clipping and a rabies shot.  Then she brought her back to our boat, and we gave her food, water, and a much needed bath. The kids posted “found dog” signs all over the marina and then we had to decide what to do with her while we waited for her to be claimed.  Someone in the marina office had already volunteered to adopt her, but we decided to hang on to her until Monday to see if the owner showed up.  The dog looked well cared for– there must be an owner out there somewhere.

Brooke meeting Molly 'til Monday

Brooke meeting Molly ’til Monday

But what to call her?  She was super sweet, very gentle, really just wanted to be held in a lap, so we decided that until Monday she would be called Molly. Molly ’til Monday– it was perfect.  Little Molly ’til Monday quickly settle right in with our family.  The other dogs liked her just fine. and she basically lived on Aislin’s lap. Aislin even slept on a mat on the floor with her so she wouldn’t be lonely.

Molly ’til Monday learning the legend of the discovery of Hawaii


Getting fresh air on the bow seat




                                       Asleep on Ben’s bed



Finally Monday came around, and it was time for a new home for the dog. But before the new home could come and adopt the dog we received a phone call from a local vet. Someone had called looking for an old female dachshund that was lost. Her real name was Lucy and she is 16 years old. Yay! We had found her owner! We were sad to see her go, but she was returned home having had a spa weekend with the Kelley family. We even got flowers the next day in Thank You from Lucy’s mom for taking care of her.  Really, as you can see from the photos, it was our privilege.  She is a sweet little dog that brightened up what was otherwise a laborious weekend.


Flowers from Lucy’s mom



  1. Good GAWD, Y’all! Great reporting, Amy. Tears of emotions in eyes: awe, kindness, joy, and relief! Thanks for loving MollyLucy!

  2. I am so excited to read about your adventures and loved Molly Til Monday so much. What a lucky dog to be found by all of you.

  3. BTW, Anonymous is really Jane at the pharmacy 🙂

    • We were the lucky ones – it was a special weekend because of Molly / Lucy. I always feel fortunate and it does my heart good to be able to help an animal in need. I’m glad you’re following us – I enjoy your input. Very best to you!

  4. We have a rescue dog we named Molly too! Except no one ever claimed her and our kids got too attached so our Molly is still with us 2 years later! Great story, thanks for sharing

    • Aislin was super attached to Molly ’til monday. It was a saving grace for all of us that her owner was able to find us. 4 people and 2 dogs on the boat is already a lot, 3 dogs was a circus (even with one of them being so small)

  5. Awesome story, and a happy ending for Molly!

  6. Wonderful story with a kinda happy ending…you guys are having a great time. Miss you sweet Kim

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