Engine problems

Kim coming to the rescue on the kayak

Kim coming to the rescue on the kayak

While in Beaufort we started having engine problems. First it was the dinghy motor, it kept not wanting to start and cutting out. It even cut out once when Ben and I were on the way from the mooring ball to the dock with a big bag of laundry. We had to paddle with our skinny little dinghy paddles to make it the rest of the way to the dinghy dock. We might as well have been paddling with chopsticks, we would never be able to make it back against the wind and current. When it was time for us to come back Kim deployed the kayak to come to our rescue. Fortunately we were able to get the dinghy motor started and keep it revved up enough to make it back to the boat.

We thought that was bad, but then we were running the engines to charge up our batteries Kim saw smoke pouring out of the port engine compartment. Nothing was actually on fire, but the alternator was red hot. We moved the boat into the marina and had a mechanic come and look at it. It ended up being the high output alternator that we had just installed was overheating. He was able to change the alternator back to the old one (which we fortunately had kept and brought along). The smoke and burning smell went away, so we think all is ok with that engine now. But we still needed to figure out what to do. I borrowed the courtesy car and made a quick run to Bi-Lo for groceries and hit the Kmart in the same shopping center for 2 more plug in fans. While in a marina we have plenty of power to run fans all night–a necessity in this sweltering heat. With both engines doing ok, and extra fans on board, we decided that we would continue our original plan to go to Charleston, but due to the heat and dinghy motor issues just stay in marinas instead of anchoring out.


Boat in Marina


Enjoying the swings on the waterfront

We got up before dawn in the morning to allow plenty of time for the trip from Beaufort to Charleston. The journey started with this very cool swing bridge.


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