On the move again!

Finally we were off.  Things are semi put away, still a lot more sorting to do. Kim and Aislin took off for Daytona Beach from Brunswick.  I had to work and Ben was at a church retreat, so our dear friend, Bill, came along to help.  He’s one of those guys who has been sailing forever, built his own boat from a bare hull, and is the one you want on board if anything needs to be fixed.  We were so happy his wife let us have him for a few days.

The trip was fraught with minor annoyances common to that area of the ICW, running aground (in the middle of the channel), waiting on tides to pass under bridges, waiting on tides to no longer run aground, difficulty catching a mooring ball with high current and high winds.  There were other minor incidences as well. Somehow when Bill got on board he left without his bag— no change of clothes, toothbrush, or medications.  We carry extra toothbrushes, and Kim loaned him a pair of her sweatpants to hold him over.  Fortunately his wife, Sylvia,  was able to meet everyone in Fernandina Beach the next day and hand off another bag.  She paid some guy $20 to ferry it over to us from the shore.   45 minutes in the car = a day of travel on the boat.  We still don’t know what happened to the original, maybe it fell overboard as another offering to Neptune?

Then Kim in the chaos of our not-fully-unpacked boat couldn’t find an airhorn so she stopped at a marina in Jacksonville and bought another.  Of course now we keep finding them everywhere on the boat—at last count we are up to 4 airhorns!  We are ready for either lots of signaling or a raucous party!

The views make it all worthwhile.


  1. Your travel stories always make me smile.
    Loved your Christmas card…beautiful!
    Enjoy your adventures, safe travels!
    Love to all❤️🎄❤️🎄

  2. Safe travels. Keep the posts coming. I love to read about your adventures

  3. Lynn Greene-Rooks

    So fun!

  4. Love reading your blogs on Sailing Wonderstruck! I can sail along vicariously with you.

  5. So much fun to read!

  6. Nice you’re making way!

  7. Happy trails…
    Or better yet…
    Happy sails!

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